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At Salesforceprep.com, we understand that taking B2B-Commerce-Developer practice tests is one of the most effective ways to prepare for certification exams, including Salesforce Accredited B2B Commerce Developer (SU24). That's why we offer a comprehensive range of B2B-Commerce-Developer Dumps PDF for various certification exams. Our B2B-Commerce-Developer Braindumps are designed to simulate the exam and provide a realistic assessment of your knowledge. With our practice tests, you can identify your strengths and weaknesses, track your progress, and improve your overall performance in Salesforce Developer.
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A developer is on a tight timeline and needs to implement a Lightning web componentwhich can read, create and modify single records. What is the recommended path forward?
A. Use base components
B. Write custom functions against a wire adapter
C. Create an Apex Controller
D. Use Lightning Data Service
A developer is setting up a storefront from scratch. They need to create a storefront, pushstore sources, create buyer users, import products, and create and search index.Which command allows the developer to accomplish this task?
A. sfdx commerce:store:quickstart:create -templatename 'b2c-lite-storefront’
B. sfdx commerce:store:quickstart:setup —definitionfile store-scratch-def json
C. sfdx commerce:store:create —store-name test-store
D. sfdx commerce:store:open —store-name test-store
A developer needs to create an event listener on a parent component programmaticallv.With the script below, what should replace the text <EVENT LISTENER UNE>?
A. this.template.addEventListener(handleNotification);
B. this.template.addEventListener(this.handleNotification);
C. this.template.addEventListenerCnotification1, this.handleNotification);
D. addEventListener('notifJcatiorV, this.handleNotification);
How should data for Lightning web components be provided?
A. A few properties that contain sets (objects) of data
B. One property that contains all data in one set (object)
C. A single property object that contains sets (objects) of data
D. Independent properties that take simpler, primitive values (e.g. String, Number, Boolean,Array)
Which technique can be used with Lightning web components to expose them outside ofan org in another web container?
A. Slot elements
B. Heroku
C. Lightning Out
D. Lightning Canvas
In a B2B Commerce store, which three tasks must a developer complete to implement the use of a third-party service for either tax, shipping, or pricing calculation?
A. Register an Apex class as the integration in the store administration
B. Create a flow to call the external service directly
C. Create an Apex class implementing the appropriate interface.
D. Create a named credential for authentication with an external service
E. Create an Apex class with an invocable method
A developer is working on a storefront that needs to use a sophisticated pricing enginehosted as a service outside the org. Assuming security and trusts have been established,which two actions must the developer take?
A. Make a call to the service
B. Use External Ohjects
C. Implement the sfdc_checkout.PriceCalculations
D. Implement the sfdc_checkout.CartPriceCalculations
Which two methods from the platformResourceLoader module are relevant for includingthird party JavaScript and CSS in a Lightning web component?
A. loadClientScript
B. loadScript
C. loadCss
D. loadStyle
Universal Containers (UC) is ready to build a tax provider class using the interfacesavailable in the Buyer Experience SDK. When creating a tax provider, what are three thingsthat a developer should consider first?
A. Steps to complete in the Tax Service
B. How to handle results
C. WhethertouseJSONorXML
D. What to implement
E. What events to fire in the Lightning web component
Which two guidelines should a developer consider when migrating aura components toLWC?
A. Migrate one component and then determine whether additional effort would make sense
B. Start with migrating trees of components (components within components)
C. Force all developers to write any new components using Lightning web components
D. Start with simple components that only render Ul
How should a developer get the grand total amount, including shipping and tax, for items inthecart and in the currency of the cart, when developing a new Lightning web component foranAura storefront cart page?
A. {!Cart.Details.grandTotal}
B. {ICart.Totals.grand Total}
C. {ICart.Details.Fields.grandTotal}
D. {!Cart.Fields.grandTotal}
A developer has created a custom Lightning web component to display on the ProductDetail page in the store. When the developer goes to add the component to the page inExperience Builder, it is missing from the list of custom components.Which XML fragment should the developer include in the component's configuration XMLfile to ensure the custom component is available to add to the page?
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Northern Tail Outfitters (NTO) is converting an existing aura component into a LightningWeb Component. The aura component has the following source code: C)
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
In checkout, what event should the developer's code listen for in order to help troubleshootand respond to actions?
A. CommerceBubbleEvents
B. CommerceErrorEvents
C. CommerceActionEvents
D. CommerceDiagnosticEvents
Which three decorators can be used in Lightning Web Components?
A. @api
B. @track
C. @wire
D. @class
E. @import
Which two user permissions in addition to View Setup and Configuration are required to bulk create Product data translations via Data Loader?
A. Import Custom Objects
B. B2B Commerce Super User
C. Create and set up Experiences
D. Manage Translations
Which component can be used in other Salesforce Experience templates outside of B2BCommerce?
A. Quick Order
B. CMS Collection
C. Product Detail Data
D. Results Layout
What class must a developer implement to override Pricing during the checkout?
A. sfdc_commerce.CartPriceCalculations
B. sfdc_commerce.PriceCalculations
C. sfdc_checkout.PriceCalculations
D. sfdc_checkout.CartPriceCalculations
Which of these is a key pattern leveraged when building Lightning Web Components? 39m36s
A. Composition
B. Inventory
C. Juggling
D. Normalization
Which three are considered code units, or discrete units of work within a transaction in thedebug logs?
A. Validation rule
B. Apex class
C. Web service invocation
D. Lightning component load
E. Workflow invocations
A developer needs to bulk export all of the Product data from an org and does not haveaccess to Data Loader or Workbench. However, the Command Line Interface (CLI) isavailable. Which command allows the developer to accomplish this task?
A. sfdx force:data:treeiexport -q <path to file containing soql query> -x export-demo -d /tmp/sfdx-out -p
B. sfdx force:data:tree:export -Product2 -all
C. sfdx force:data:tree:export -o Product?
D. sfdxforce:data:tree:export -h
What are three standard page reference types?
A. standard__app
B. standard__component
C. standard__pageNamed
D. comm_loginPage
E. standard__recordDetailPage
Which three statements are accurate?
A. An Aura component can contain another Aura component
B. An Aura component can contain a Lightning Web Component
C. A Lightning Web Component can contain an Aura component
D. A Lightning Web Component cannot contain an Aura component
Which interface does a developer have to implement to override Inventory in Checkout?
A. sfdc_commerce.ValidationCartinventory
B. sfdc_commerce.CartinventoryValidation
C. sfdc_checkout.InventoryCartVvalidation
D. sfdc_checkout.CartinventoryValidation
What are two common and maintainable ways the content layout of a Lightning WebComponent can be implemented?
A. Spreading layout styles across several separate components
B. Styling the :host pseudo-element (or other elements) via the CSS file
C. Using inline styles
D. Applying SLDS classes to internal elements
Which three files are required for a deployable Lightning Web Component calleddisplayMyData that will fetch and display data?
A. displayMyData.css
B. displayMyData.js-meta.xml
C. displayMyData.js
D. displayMyDataController.cls
E. displayMyData.html
A developer used slots to pass content from one Lightning Web Component to another.How can they access the.DOM for what was passed to those slots?
A. Call this.template.querySelector() and this.template.querySelectorAll()
B. Call this.querySelector() passing an id
C. Call this.querySelector() and this.querySelectorAll()
D. Call this.template.querySelector() passing an id
What target does a developer need to set in the js-meta.xml file when creating a customLWC component for use in the Checkout Flow?
A. lightning_FlowScreen
B. lightning__CheckoutFlow
C. Iwe__FlowComponent
D. lwe__flow
Which HTML element can be used as a root tag for a Lightning Web Component's HTMLfile?
A. <body>
B. <article>
C. <html>
D. <template>
What should a developer's implementation code return if the External Prices are the sameas Sales Prices for Products in the Cart?
A. sfde_checkout.IntegrationStatus. Status. SUCCESS
B. sfdc_checkout.IntegrationStatus. FAILED. Status
C. sfdc_checkout.IntegrationStatus.Status.FAILED
D. sfdc_checkout.IntegrationStatus.Success. STATUS
Which two practices are allowed when it comes to naming a Lightning Web Componentsfolder and associated files?
A. Beginning with a lowercase letter
B. Including whitespace
C. Using a single hyphen (dash)
D. Using a single underscore
Which three file extensions are allowed in a Lightning Web Component folder?
A. .js-meta.xml
B. .html
C. .Js
D. .gif
E. .jar
Which three considerations should a developer keep in mind when creating a tax provider?
A. What events to fire in the Lightning Web Component
B. Whether to use JSON or XML
C. Success criteria
D. Whether an AppExchange package already exists
E. How to handle errors
Universal Containers (UC) needs to display data from standard objects (entities) in a different format than whatcomes with B2B Commerce out of the box. In doing this, what is one advantage of usingthe Lightning DataService vs using a custom Controller class?
A. Lightning Data Service translates the developer's component implementation to aVisualForce page for backward compatibility.
B. JavaScript proxies for transport objects are created in the developer's IDE automatically.
C. The developer can read, create, or modify single records or metadata without writingApex code.
D. There is a Visual Studio add-in that accelerates the layout process
Which two items are required for a developer to bring picklist values into a Lightning WebComponent?
A. import { getPicklistvValues } from 'lightning/uiObjectinfoApi';
B. import { LightningElement, wire } from ‘lwc’;
C. import { wire } from ‘lwc’;
D. import { picklistValues } from 'lightning/uiObjectinfoApi’;
Which three files comprise the essential pieces of a Lightning Web Component that isnamed myComponent?
A. myComponent.html
B. myNewComponent.css
C. myComponent.js-meta.xml
D. myComponent.aura
E. myComponent.js
What tool can a developer use to investigate errors during development? 07m 42s
A. Streaming API Subscription Channel for Commerce Diagnostics Event Logging
B. Commerce Diagnostics Event Logging JavaScript Console
C. Lightning Web Component for Commerce Diagnostics Event Logging
D. Custom Log Levels
A developer is implementing an Inventory class for checkout. All the error states have beenhandled and now the developer needs to take the next step to indicate that inventory isavailable for all of the items and amounts in the cart. What should the next step be?
A. Return TRUE
B. Return sfde_checkout.InventoryStatus. SUCCESS
C. Return sfdc_checkout.IntegrationStatus. Status. SUCCESS
D. Return sfdc_checkout.InventoryStatus.Status. SUCCESS
A developer suspects that a defect exists in 30 lines of Apex code. How can the developeradd debug statements, run the block of apex code in isolation and observe the immediateresults?
A. Click the Check Out button in the storefront
B. Use the Execute Anonymous window
C. Activate Chrome dev tools and click the Check Out button in the Storefront
D. Use the Execute Immediate window
In which two ways can events fired from Lightning web components be handled?
A. Programmatically adding event listeners
B. Adding callbacks to components
C. Listening for all possible events at the document root
D. Attaching handlers to DOM elements
Which tool is used to retrieve and manipulate Salesforce data in a Lightning WebComponent?
A. Aura requests
B. Wire adapters
C. Proxy adapters
D. XHR requests
A developer is attempting to write a Lightning Web component from scratch by first creatingthe HTML markup and receives an error. Which three tags when used as the first elementin the file would produce an error?
A. <template>
B. <article>
C. <body>
D. <html>
Which wire adapter can a developer use to retrieve metadata about a specific object?
A. getObject
B. getObjectMetadata
C. All of the above
D. getObjectinfo
Which technique is used by Lightning Web Components to provide areas of swappable,customizable content?
A. <slot> elements
B. JQuery templates
C. MutationObservers
D. CSS classes
What happens to all previous tax entries during tax implementation?
A. Modified with the new Tax calculation
B. They are deleted from the Cart
C. Saved prior to recalculation
D. Ignored with the recalculation
A developer is writing custom code to compare External Prices and Sales Prices for cartitems. What should be returned if the External Prices are the same as Sales Prices forProducts in the Cart? ~.
A. sfdc_checkout.IntegrationStatus.Status.SUCCESS
B. sfdc_checkout.IntegrationStatus.Status.SUCCEEDED
C. sfdc_checkout.IntegrationStatus.Status.ERROR
D. sfdc_checkout.IntegrationStatus.Success.FAILED
How can a developer make an integration available for selection?
A. Modify the StoreIntegrated Service to map to an Apex class id usingworkbench
B. Enter the integration class name and version in Store Administration
C. Create a RegisteredExternalService record using Workbench
D. The integration is available once it is uploaded
A developer needs to debug a flow tracing a single input in complete detail, watching allvariable changes as the checkout process is executed. Which feature should the developerenable? ~.
A. Show the details of what's executed and render flow in Lightning Experience
B. Show the details of what's executed and render flow in Lightning Runtime
C. Add watch to variables
D. Show execution details inline
What does the developer need to implement to override Shipping in Checkout? 38m 04s
A. sfdc_commerce.CartShippingCharges
B. sfdc_commerce ShippingCharges
C. sfdc_checkout.ShippingCharges
D. sfdc_checkout.CartShippingCharges
The ccrz.cc_hk_UserInterface apex class, HTMLHead Include Begin and HTML HeadInclude End Cloudcraze Page Include sections allow additional content to be added to theHTML <head> tag. What are two reasons that is it preferred to use theccrz.cc_hk_UserInterface extension over the Cloudcraze Page Include sections? (2answers)
A. Salesforce apex:include is wrapped in <span> tags.
B. HTML does not support <div> tags inside the <head>
C. Salesforce apex:include is wrapped in tags.
D. HTML does not support <span> tags inside the <head>
A developer has just deployed a new Lightning Web Component to an authorized org.What should the developer do next to use the new component on apage?
A. Go to "Deploy LWC" in Setup.
B. Navigate 3 to the Page, Click on the "Custom Component Editor,’ Click "Publish" on thenew component in the list and adjust the positioning.
C. Create a Metadata API (MDAPI) conversion file with the Command Line interface (CLI)then go to the page and adjust the positioning.
D. Go to the page, edit it, and drag the new component onto the page.
What are two maintainable ways that Lightning Web Components can be made mobileready? 33m 215
A. Create a Lightning app page and add the component to the mobile navigation
B. Import a third party JavaScript library
C. Install the mobile extensions plug-in for VS Code
D. Decorate templates with mobile-ready
What is one requirement to keep in mind when including additional JavaScript 1h files in aLightning Web Component?
A. The files must be ES6 modules and must have names that are unique within thecomponent's folder.
B. Only five of the files can be used with an import statement
C. All the files must be imported to a singleton.js file and the singleton.js file can be usedwith an import statement
D. Only one of the files can be used with an import statement
In what way can a developer's code subscribe to platform events?
A. Flows and Apex Triggers
B. Flows
C. Apex Triggers
D. Process Builder, Apex Triggers and Flows
How can a developer bring in a checkout flow step to another sequence order?
A. drag and drop checkout Screens in main checkout flow
B. drag and drop subflows in main checkout flow
C. Adjust next-state in previous subflow configuration
D. Reorder step in checkoutSteps.xml
Which two statements are accurate?
A. A Lightning Web Component cannot contain an Aura component
B. A Lightning Web Component can contain an Aura component
C. An Aura component can contain a Lightning Web Component which contains an Auracomponent
D. An Aura component can contain a Lightning Web Component
A developer suspects recent edits to a checkout flow have created a bug based on flowerrors being emailed. Given the emails and some inputs known to trigger the issue, whichtwo activities should the developer consider in their investigation?
A. Use the Org Browser tool in the IDE to download the flow XML and run a diff report
B. Look at the previous flow versions and compare them with the current one
C. Open the Flow, Select Debug, Provide the Inputs, Select Run
D. Open the Flow and select Attach to Live Session, Provide the Session Id, Select Attach
I had a fantastic experience with salesforceprep while preparing for the B2B-Commerce-Developer exam. The tutorials and practice questions provided were invaluable in my study journey. Thanks to this platform, I achieved a remarkable score of 900/1000 on the exam. I highly recommend salesforceprep to anyone seeking effective preparation materials for the Salesforce Accredited B2B Commerce Developer (SU24) certification.
These dumps were absolutely essential in my exam preparation and contributed significantly to my success. I am grateful for their comprehensive content and reliable information.
Gracias a Dios! I am thrilled to announce my success in the Salesforce B2B-Commerce-Developer exam. This achievement has boosted my confidence and set me on a path towards professional growth.
I want to express my sincere gratitude to salesforceprep for their outstanding support throughout my preparation for the B2B-Commerce-Developer exam. The Salesforce Accredited B2B Commerce Developer (SU24) study materials provided by salesforceprep were of the highest quality, offering comprehensive coverage of all exam topics. The Salesforce Accredited B2B Commerce Developer (SU24) practice tests and sample questions from salesforceprep were invaluable in helping me assess my progress and identify areas for improvement. I confidently recommend salesforceprep to anyone seeking to excel in the Salesforce Developer certification. Their commitment to excellence is unparalleled.
I want to express my appreciation for these Salesforce Accredited B2B Commerce Developer (SU24) dumps, which significantly impacted my exam preparation. The comprehensive material and practice tests helped me achieve remarkable results.
These Salesforce Accredited B2B Commerce Developer (SU24) dumps were a game-changer for me. The realistic exam simulations and detailed explanations helped me understand the concepts thoroughly and achieve an outstanding result.
Thank the salesforceprep! The B2B-Commerce-Developer exam was a challenge, but I conquered it with determination and hard work. This certification has enhanced my skill set and positioned me as a valuable asset in the industry.
These Salesforce Accredited B2B Commerce Developer (SU24) dumps proved to be an invaluable resource in my exam journey. The accurate and up-to-date information helped me navigate the exam confidently and achieve the desired outcome.
Alabado sea Salesforce! Estoy emocionada de anunciar mi éxito en el examen Salesforce Accredited B2B Commerce Developer (SU24). Esta certificación me ha abierto puertas hacia nuevas oportunidades profesionales y estoy lista para brillar en mi nueva etapa.
I recently used the B2B-Commerce-Developer Study Material from salesforceprep, and it was an absolutely fantastic experience. The material was incredibly well-organized, engaging, and filled with valuable insights. It not only helped me pass the certification exam with flying colors but also equipped me with practical tips and strategies to effectively leverage customer data. I highly recommend it to anyone preparing for the B2B-Commerce-Developer exam!