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Salesforce Accredited B2B Commerce Administrator (SU24) Questions Answers

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Are you searching for a reliable and effective way to prepare for your B2B-Commerce-Administrator certification exam? Look no further than our B2B-Commerce-Administrator Dumps PDF. Designed with your success in mind, our test covers all the essential topics and provides detailed explanations to help you understand even the most complex concepts. With our B2B-Commerce-Administrator Braindumps, you can feel confident and prepared on exam day, knowing that you have the knowledge and skills needed to succeed. Don't waste another moment feeling uncertain or unprepared, try our B2B-Commerce-Administrator Practice Test today and take control of your certification journey.

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At Salesforceprep.com, we understand that taking B2B-Commerce-Administrator practice tests is one of the most effective ways to prepare for certification exams, including Salesforce Accredited B2B Commerce Administrator (SU24). That's why we offer a comprehensive range of B2B-Commerce-Administrator Dumps PDF for various certification exams. Our B2B-Commerce-Administrator Braindumps are designed to simulate the exam and provide a realistic assessment of your knowledge. With our practice tests, you can identify your strengths and weaknesses, track your progress, and improve your overall performance in Salesforce Certified Administrator.

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All B2B-Commerce-Administrator Related Certification Exams

Salesforce B2B-Commerce-Administrator Sample Questions

Question # 1

An Administrator needs to set up a variation product for the first time in a new org andprepare the search index. 26m 164Before creating the product, in which two places does the Administrator need to go toestablish a variationattribute structure?

A. Commerce Setup
B. Product Workspace
C. Catalogs
D. Object Manager

Question # 2

An Administrator wants to add the company name and logo to the user profile menu in thestore.How should the Administrator do this?

A. Edit the User Profile Menu in Profile Builder.
B. Modify the User Profile Lightning Record Page in Experience Builder.
C. Modify the settings for the User Profile Menu component.
D. Make changes to the User Profile Menu in Setup.

Question # 3

Which three field types can an Administrator set as filterable fields for Search?

A. Text
B. Checkbox
C. Picklist (Multi-Select)
D. Picklist
E. Currency

Question # 4

Which field type cannot be added as a Searchable field?

A. Text
B. Text Area
C. Formula
D. Picklist
E. Currency

Question # 5

An Administrator has received a request to enable an existing Account for the storefrontand checkout.Which two steps should the Administrator take to provide access?

A. Assign the Account to the appropriate Buyer Group.
B. Update the Account Record Type to "B2B Buyer Account."
C. Add Shipping and Billing Addresses to the Contact Point Address object.
D. Update the Account Status to "Approved."

Question # 6

What user license is needed at a minimum to deploy B2B Commerce successfully forBuyers and external users?

A. Customer Community Plus License
B. Partner Community License
C. Full CRM User license
D. Customer Community License

Question # 7

Which two steps can an Administrator take to present different user experiences to differentBuyers in astorefront?

A. Create audiences to define different segments
B. Use page variations
C. Link the Store to multiple communities
D. Associate the branding to specific buyer groups

Question # 8

Which two records can an Administrator bulk update in the Commerce App?

A. Stores
B. Products
C. Catalogs
D. Pricing

Question # 9

What step does an Administrator need to take in order to authorize a payment gatewaysafely?

A. Add a username password credential to payment providers in Setup
B. Create a Named Credential
C. Create a new payment client token
D. Upload a client certificate in Setup using Certificate and Key Management

Question # 10

A Bedding company is selling bed items that vary by three different lengths. 36m 31Which set of steps should an Administrator take to create variation products?

A. Create a custom field length_c, a variation attribute set, and three parent products.
B. Create a custom field length_c, a variation attribute set, and a parent product.
C. Create a custom field length_c and a parent product with length selected as variationfield.
D. Create a custom object ProductWithLength_c, a custom field, and a parent product.

Question # 11

What step is required before the administrator can see orders?

A. Give Read-Only Field-Level Security on the Store Sales field for Orders
B. Give Read-Only Field-Level Security on the Sales Store field for Orders
C. Give Visible Field-Level Security on the Store Sales field for Orders
D. Give Visible Field-Level Security on the Sales Store field for Orders

Question # 12

AB2B Administrator needs to set up a user so they have the ability to switch betweenaccounts in the store to purchase for multiple accounts.Which three tasks are necessary to allow this user to switch to another account?

A. Add the Switch Accounts component to the Store home page.
B. Assign the Account Switcher User permission to the purchasing user.
C. Share the Account with the purchasing user.
D. Assign the Buyer Manager permission to the purchasing user.
E. Create an External Managed Account record.

Question # 13

An Administrator wants to change the layout of search results and category detail pages.Which two options are available out-of-the-box?

A. Matrix
B. Tree
C. Chart
D. List
E. Grid

Question # 14

An Administrator has a working checkout flow and needs to meet a requirementthat allorders over a certainamount be paid for using a credit card instead of a purchase order.How should the Administrator start?

A. Search AppExchange for a Payment Gateway that handles both credit cards andpurchase orders.
B. Add decision logic to hide the option for purchase orders on orders that meet the criteria.
C. Delete the pricing subflow called Subflow - Confirm Price and replace it with a newsubflow for credit cards.
D. Create a Payment Gateway mapped to two providers.

Question # 15

A company already has an Experience Cloud Site that they want to use as thestore. They are currently implementing B2B Commerce.What should an Administrator do in this scenario?

A. Drag and drop the Commerce components onto the proper pages in Experience Builder.
B. Use the ‘Create a Store on Existing Site’ button in the Commerce app.
C. Convert the existing site to a B2B Commerce site in the Digital Experience setting.
D. Create the store in Setup and link it to the existing site.

Question # 16

What does an Administrator need to configure to enable Activity Tracking in the storefront?

A. Set a Cookie for Tracking.
B. Deploy Commerce Einstein.
C. Configure Time to Live with Experience Builder.
D. Leverage Google Analytics.

Question # 17

What configuration steps are required to send Order confirmation emails toBuyers?

A. Create an Email template, Set up Organization-Wide Addresses, Create an Email Alert,dd an Auto-launched flow
B. Create a Trigger on Order Status change and invoke the Buyer Confirmation Email flowfrom the Trigger code
C. Locate the existing "Buyer Confirmation Email" sub-flow, Add it to the Checkout flow asan invocable action
D. Check the box called “Activate Order Confirmation to Buyers” in the Commerce AppsStore Administration

Question # 18

Which two steps should an Administrator take to move the B2B store configuration from asandbox environment to a production environment?

A. Add the Store Configuration to a change set.
B. Import the settings to the Production environment with Workbench.
C. Export the store settings with Data Loader.
D. Export the store configuration from the Store Administration.

Question # 19

Which three configuration aspects must be set up outside the Commerce App in order todeploy and activate thefull B2B Commerce experience both for internal and external users?

A. Custom attributes
B. Experience Sites
C. Multi-Factor Authentication
D. Profiles and Permission Sets
E. Salesforce CMS

Question # 20

What must an Administrator set up in order to use an approved entity ina CRM collection?

A. Global List view
B. Sales List View
C. CRM List view
D. Service List View

Question # 21

An Administrator needs to rebuild the Search Index in the B2B Commerce App.What should the Administrator do next while on the store record page?

A. Click onthe Search tile
B. Click on Community Settings
C. Click on Search Reindexing in the Quick Actions
D. Go to Search Reindex in Setup

Question # 22

An Administrator needs to rebuild the Search Index in the B2B Commerce App.What should the Administrator do next while on the store record page?

A. Click onthe Search tile
B. Click on Community Settings
C. Click on Search Reindexing in the Quick Actions
D. Go to Search Reindex in Setup

Question # 23

Which two preferences are required to successfully run B2B on Lightning Experiencecheckout? 27m 30s

A. Enable Account Relationships
B. Enable Optional Price Books for Orders
C. Enable Negative Quantity
D. Enable Orders

Question # 24

Where can an Administrator configure an alternative or new checkout flow?

A. Checkout Button on the Cart page
B. Experience Builder on the Checkout page
C. Store tile in the Commerce app
D. Process Builder Button in Experience Builder

Question # 25

Which requirement must be met before an Administrator can perform a search index?

A. All products must have at least one image assigned.
B. All products must have a SKU assigned.
C. At least one product must be marked Active.
D. At least one product must have a ProductCode assigned.

Question # 26

Which three options does an Administrator have for adding content to a Product out of thebox?

A. Only one Product Detail Image
B. One or more Attachments
C. Up to eight Product Detail Images
D. Only one Product List Image
E. One or more Product Banner Images

Question # 27

AB2B Administrator notices a change that needs to be made to a storefrontbefore the Change Set can be finalized for deployment.From which two places can the Administrator directly access Experience Builder to makethe change?

A. All Sites
B. Experience Cloud Configuration
C. All Communities
D. Digital Experiences
E. Store tile

Question # 28

A client would like to customize the Store so certain groups of buyers see personalizedinformation.Which three criteria types can an Administrator use to create an audience for a componenton a Store page?

A. Active Cart Total Value
B. Permission Set
C. Profile
D. Product Category
E. User's Location

Question # 29

An Administrator sets up a new store and imports the product catalog. While verifying thestore display, the Administrator notices a "Products" category that the Store Managerasked to not display.How can the Administrator fix this?

A. Disable the Display in Menu attribute.
B. Enable the Do Not Display in Menu attribute.
C. Disable the Show in Menu attribute.
D. Enable the Hide in Menu attribute.

Question # 30

An Administrator is having trouble rebuilding the search index. 08m 41sWhat could be causing this issue?

A. The necessary permissions have not been given to the Administrator.
B. There are no active products associated to any of the categories in the store catalog.
C. There is no price book associated to the store.
D. The products have not been added to an entitlement policy.

Question # 31

Which two items are needed to be able to modify the account or person account associatedwith the 25m 554OrderSummary without Salesforce Order Management licenses?

A. The OrderLifeCycleType field on the associated OrderSummary is set to MANAGED.
B. The user executing this action has the "Commerce Buyer and Entitlements Integrator"system permission.
C. The OrderLifeCycleType field on the associated OrderSummary is set to UNMANAGED.
D. The user executing this action has either the "Edit Unmanaged Order Summaries" or"B2B Commerce Integrator user"system permission.

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Sofia Ramirez   Feb 10, 2025 07:31:37 AM

Alabado sea Salesforce! Estoy emocionada de anunciar mi éxito en el examen Salesforce Accredited B2B Commerce Administrator (SU24). Esta certificación me ha abierto puertas hacia nuevas oportunidades profesionales y estoy lista para brillar en mi nueva etapa.

Noah Roberts   Feb 10, 2025 06:47:55 AM

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Lucas Martin   Feb 10, 2025 06:33:24 AM

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Mia Roberts   Feb 10, 2025 04:24:43 AM

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Juan Gomez   Feb 09, 2025 12:59:08 PM

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Ethan Wilson   Feb 09, 2025 12:20:58 PM

I want to express my sincere gratitude to salesforceprep for their outstanding support throughout my preparation for the B2B-Commerce-Administrator exam. The Salesforce Accredited B2B Commerce Administrator (SU24) study materials provided by salesforceprep were of the highest quality, offering comprehensive coverage of all exam topics. The Salesforce Accredited B2B Commerce Administrator (SU24) practice tests and sample questions from salesforceprep were invaluable in helping me assess my progress and identify areas for improvement. I confidently recommend salesforceprep to anyone seeking to excel in the Salesforce Certified Administrator certification. Their commitment to excellence is unparalleled.

Sophia Johnson   Feb 09, 2025 12:11:57 PM

Thanks to salesforceprep, I successfully obtained my Salesforce Certified Administrator. Their study materials were invaluable, and I highly recommend them to anyone pursuing this certification.

Jacob Davis   Feb 09, 2025 11:49:38 PM

Thank the salesforceprep! The B2B-Commerce-Administrator exam was a challenge, but I conquered it with determination and hard work. This certification has enhanced my skill set and positioned me as a valuable asset in the industry.

Emily Nguyen   Feb 09, 2025 11:26:57 PM

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