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A company wants to test its marketing campaigns with different target populations.What should the consultant adjust in the Segment Canvas interface to get differentpopulations?
A. Direct attributes, related attributes, and population filters
B. Segmentation filters, direct attributions, and data sources
C. Direct attributes and related attributes
D. Population filters and direct attributes
A Data Cloud consultant tries to save a new 1-to-l relationship between the Account DMOand Contact Point Address DMO but gets an error.What should the consultant do to fix this error?
A. Map additional fields to the Contact Point Address DMO.
B. Make sure that the total account records are high enough for Identity resolution.
C. Change the cardinality to many-to-one to accommodate multiple contacts per account.
D. Map Account to Contact Point Email and Contact Point Phone also.
Cloud Kicks plans to do a full deletion of one of its existing data streams and its underlying data lake object (DLO).What should the consultant consider before deleting the data stream?
A. The underlying DLO can be used in a data transform.
B. The underlying DLO cannot be mapped to a data model object.
C. The data stream must be associated with a data kit.
D. The data stream can be deleted without implicitly deleting the underlying DLO.
Cloud Kicks plans to do a full deletion of one of its existing data streams and its underlying data lake object (DLO).What should the consultant consider before deleting the data stream?
A. The underlying DLO can be used in a data transform.
B. The underlying DLO cannot be mapped to a data model object.
C. The data stream must be associated with a data kit.
D. The data stream can be deleted without implicitly deleting the underlying DLO.
Cumulus Financial needs to create a composite key on an incoming data source thatcombines the fields Customer Region and Customer Identifier.Which formula function should a consultant use to create a composite key when a primarykey is not available in a data stream?
What are the two minimum requirements needed when using the Visual Insights Builder tocreate a calculated insight?Choose 2 answers
A. At least one measure
B. At least one dimension
C. At least two objects to Join
D. A WHERE clause
Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) is getting ready to start ingesting its CRM data into Data Cloud.While setting up the connector, which type of refresh should NTO expect when the datastream is deployed for the first time?
A. Incremental
B. Manual refresh
C. Partial refresh
D. Full refresh
A company is seeking advice from a consultant on how to address the challenge of havingmultiple leads and contacts in Salesforce that share the same email address. Theconsultant wants to provide a detailed and comprehensive explanation on how Data Cloudcan be leveraged to effectively solve this issue.What should the consultant highlight to address this company's business challenge?
A. Data Bundles
B. Calculated Insights
C. Identity Resolution
D. Identity Resolution
A consultant is ingesting a list of employees from their human resources database that theywant to segment on.Which data stream category should the consultant choose when ingesting this data?
A. Profile Data
B. Contact Data
C. Other Data
D. Engagement Data
Which two dependencies need to be removed prior to disconnecting a data source?Choose 2 answers
A. Activation target
B. Segment
C. Activation
D. Data stream
What is the primary purpose of Data Cloud?
A. Providing a golden record of a customer
B. Managing sales cycles and opportunities
C. Analyzing marketing data results
D. Integrating and unifying customer data
A segment fails to refresh with the error "Segment references too many data lake objects(DLOS)".Which two troubleshooting tips should help remedy this issue?Choose 2 answers
A. Split the segment into smaller segments.
B. Use calculated insights in order to reduce the complexity of the segmentation query.
C. Refine segmentation criteria to limit up to five custom data model objects (DMOs).
D. Space out the segment schedules to reduce DLO load.
A consultant at Northern Trail Outfitters is attempting to ingest a field from the Contactobject in Salesforce CRM that contains both yyyy-mm-dd and yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ssvalues. The target field is set to Date datatype.Which statement is true in this situation?
A. The target field will throw an error and store null values.
B. The target field will be able to hold both types of values.
C. The target field will only hold the time part and ignore the date part.
D. The target field will only hold the date part and ignore the time part.
A customer has two Data Cloud orgs. A new configuration has been completed and testedfor an Amazon S3 data stream and its mappings in one of the Data Cloud orgs. What is recommended to package and promote this configuration to the customer's secondorg?
A. Use the Metadata API.
B. Use the Salesforce CRM connector.
C. Create a data kit.
D. Package as an AppExchange application.
If a data source does not have a field that can be designated as a primary key, what shouldthe consultant do?
A. Use the default primary key recommended by Data Cloud.
B. Create a composite key by combining two or more source fields through a formula field.
C. Select a field as a primary key and then add a key qualifier.
D. Remove duplicates from the data source and then select a primary key.
Northern Trail Outfitters has the following customer data to ingest into Data Cloud and use for segmentation. 1. Propensity to purchase 2. Has active membership 3. Work email address Which data types should the consultant use when ingesting this data?
A. Number, Text, URL
B. Percent, Boolean, Email
C. Number, Boolean, Text
D. Percent, Number, Email
How does Data Cloud ensure data privacy and security?
A. By encrypting data at rest and in transit
B. By enforcing and controlling consent references
C. By securely storing data in an offsite server
D. BY limiting data access to authorized admins
Cumulus Financial wants to create a segment of individuals based on transaction history data. This data has been mapped in the data model and is accessible via multiple container paths for segmentation. What happens if the optimal container path for this use case is not selected?
A. Alternate container paths will be suggested before the segment is published.
B. The resulting segment may be smaller or larger than expected.
C. Data Cloud segmentation will automatically select the optimal container path.
D. The resulting segment will not be generated.
Northern Trail Outfitters wants to create a segment with customers that have purchased in the last 24 hours. The segment data must be as up to date as possible. What should the consultant Implement when creating the segment?
A. Use streaming insights for near real-time segmentation results.
B. Use Einstein segmentation optimization to collect data from the last 24 hours.
C. Use rapid segments with a publish interval of 1 hour.
D. Use standard segment with a publish interval of 30 minutes.
Cumulus Financial is experiencing delays in publishing multiple segments simultaneously. The company wants to avoid reducing the frequency at which segments are published, while retaining the same segments in place today. Which action should a consultant take to alleviate this issue?
A. Enable rapid segment publishing to all to segment to reduce generation time.
B. Reduce the number of segments being published.
C. Increase the Data Cloud segmentation concurrency limit.
D. Adjust the publish schedule start time of each segment to prevent overlapping processes.
What is a typical use case for Salesforce Data Cloud?
A. Data synchronization across the Salesforce ecosystem
B. Storing CRM data on promises
C. Data harmonization across multiple platforms
D. Sending personalized emails at scale
Cumulus Financial (CF) wants to target loyal and engaged customers. When a platinum tier customer visits their Investment pages more than three times in a 24-hour period, CF wants to Immediately Send an email that offers a private consultation. What should a consultant recommend for this business requirement?
A. Calculated insight with a data action to a Marketing Cloud Engagement transactional email
B. Rapid segment to a data action journey in Marketing Cloud Engagement
C. Standard segment with activation into Marketing Cloud Engagement
D. Streaming insight with a data action into a journey in Marketing Cloud Engagement
Which data stream category type should be assigned in order to use the dataset for date and time-based operations in segmentation and calculated insights?
A. Individual
B. Engagement
C. Sales Order
D. Profile
Cumulus Financial segregates its sales CRM data based on Region for its Data Cloud users. Multiple data spaces are configured: a default space and two additional spaces tailored for EMEA and APAC regions. EME A sales reps who need temporary access to visualize data for both regions say that they cannot visualize APAC data. APAC sales reps can visualize the corresponding segmented data. Which statement describes the cause of this issue?
A. The EMEA sales reps have not been assigned to the profile associated with the APAC data space.
B. The APAC data space is not associated with any permission set.
C. The APAC data space Is not associated with any profile.
D. The EMEA sales reps have not been assigned to the permission set associated with the APAC data space.
A consultant at Northern Trail Outfitters is implementing Data Cloud and creating an activation target for their segment. For activation membership, which object should the consultant choose?
A. Data Model Object
B. Data Activation Object
C. Data Segmentation Object
D. Data Lake Object
A consultant needs to create a data graph based on several DLOs, Which step should the consultant take to make this work?
A. Use a data action to update the data graph with the DLO data
B. Map the DLOS to DMOS and use these in the data graph.
C. Map the DLOs directly to a data graph.
D. Batch transform the DLOs to multiple DMOs and activate these with the data graph.
A consultant needs to update a field in CRM as soon as a record gets updated in the DMO. Which feature should the consultant use?
A. Data share target
B. Data actions
C. Rapid segments
D. Streaming data transform
A customer creates a large segment of customers that placed orders in the last 30 days, and adds related attributes from the… to the activation. Upon checking the activation in Marketing Cloud, they notice It contains orders that are older than 30 days. What should a consultant do to resolve this issue?
A. use data graphs that contain only 30 days of data.
B. Apply a data space fitter to exclude orders older than 30 days.
C. Apply a filter to Purchase Order Date to exclude orders older than 30 days.
D. Use SQL in Marketing Cloud Engagement to remove orders older than 30 days.
What is a reason to create a formula when ingesting a data stream?
A. To concatenate files so they are ingested in the correct sequence
B. To add a unique external identifier to an existing ruleset
C. To transform is date time field into a dale field for use in data mapping
D. To remove duplicate rows of data from the data stream
A finance company that uses Data Cloud wants to simplify how its users can view all the various channels a customer engages with Which feature should the consultant recommend to meet this requirement?
A. Use Data Cloud to connect with analytic tools, like Tableau.
B. Use calculated insights to determine when and how to engage with various customers.
C. Create segments based on the ingested data and insights to activate in Marketing Cloud.
D. Use Data Cloud to ingest data from various available data sources.
Cumulus Financial offers both business and personal loans. Records in the Contact DLO can be useful for both groups since individual customers may have both business and personal loans. However, for legal reasons, the two groups must be kept separate. How should Cumulus Financial solve this business requirement?
A. Duplicate the Individual DM0.
B. Duplicate the Contact DLO.
C. Create two identity resolution rules in the same data space.
D. Use two data spaces.
A user needs permissions to access Data Cloud to create, manage, and activate segments, However, the user should not be allowed to created reports or manage data sources. Which permission set should the consultant assign?
A. Data Cloud Marketing Specialist
B. Data Cloud Marketing Manager
C. Data Cloud Data Aware Specialist
D. Data Cloud user
A segment fails to refresh with the error "Segment references too many data lake objects (DLOS)". Which two troubleshooting tips should help remedy this issue? Choose 2 answers
A. Split the segment into smaller segments.
B. Use calculated insights in order to reduce the complexity of the segmentation query.
C. Refine segmentation criteria to limit up to five custom data model objects (DMOs).
D. Space out the segment schedules to reduce DLO load.
How should a Data Cloud consultant successfully apply consent during segmentation?
A. Include the Consent Status from the golden record during activation for any applicable channels of engagement.
B. Include Party Identification for any applicable channels of engagement in the filter criteria for each segment.
C. Include the Unified Profile during segmentation for any applicable channels of engagement.
D. Include the Consent Status for any applicable channels of engagement in the filter criteria for each segment.
A consultant is setting up Data Cloud for a multi-brand organization and is using data spaces to segregate its data for various brands. While starting the mapping of a data stream, the consultant notices that they cannot map the object for one of the brands. What should the consultant do to make the object available for a new data space?
A. Create a new data stream and map the second data stream to the data space.
B. Copy data from the default data space to a new DMO using the Data Copy feature and link this DMO to the new data space.
C. Create a batch transform to split data between different data spaces.
D. Navigate to the Data Space tab and select the object to be included in the new data space.
What is a key functionality of Data Cloud?
A. To create a master data management (MUM) strategy
B. To give a persistent ID for unified profiles
C. To build insights on unified profiles
D. To help users build a heat map using their data
An analyst from Cloud Kicks needs to get quick Insights to determine the average sales per day during the past week. What should a consultant recommend?
A. salesforce flows
B. Lightning web component utilizing Query API
C. Salesforce reports
D. Segment activation to Azure
A consultant wants to confirm the Identity resolution they Just set up. Which two features can the consultant use to validate the data on a unified profile? Choose 2 answers
A. Identity Resolution
B. Data Actions
C. Data Explorer
D. Query API
The Data Cloud admin at Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) wants to be proactively and immediately informed via Slack and email if any of the data streams fail for any reason. If this happens, a case should also be triggered as part of NTO's existing support and triage process, and reflected in its global monitoring dashboard. What should a consultant recommend for these requirements?
A. Data actions
B. Data Cloud Query Editor
C. Salesforce flows
D. Salesforce reports and dashboards
A marketing manager at Northern Trail Outfitters wants to Improve marketing return on investment (ROI) by tapping into Insights from Data Cloud Segment Intelligence. Which permission set does a user need to set this up?
A. Data Cloud Data Aware Specialist
B. Data Cloud User
C. Cloud Marketing Manager
D. Data Cloud Admin
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Praise be to Salesforce! I am overjoyed to announce my success in the Salesforce Data Cloud exam. This accomplishment has solidified my expertise in Salesforce Certified Data Cloud Consultant (WI25) and opened doors to new professional horizons.
Thanks to salesforceprep, I passed the Salesforce Certified Data Cloud Consultant (WI25) exam with ease. Their Data-Cloud-Consultant study materials are comprehensive and effective. Grateful for their support!