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At Salesforceprep.com, we understand that taking Salesforce-Marketing-Associate practice tests is one of the most effective ways to prepare for certification exams, including Salesforce Certified Marketing Associate Exam. That's why we offer a comprehensive range of Salesforce-Marketing-Associate Dumps PDF for various certification exams. Our Salesforce-Marketing-Associate Braindumps are designed to simulate the exam and provide a realistic assessment of your knowledge. With our practice tests, you can identify your strengths and weaknesses, track your progress, and improve your overall performance in Marketing Cloud Associate.
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Sending unsolicited emails puts brands and companies at risk. Repeated offenses lead tocomplaints and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) blocking emails.Which of the following is considered best practice regarding unsolicited emails?
A. Make sure that subject lines are ambiguous and general.
B. Ensure transactional message subject lines are promotional.
C. Capture explicit consent from users.
A marketing associate at Cloud Kicks wants to show different rule-based variations ofcontent in an email based on a subscriber's interest.Which content block should the associate use to create this content?
A. A/B Test Content Block
B. Reference Content Block
C. Dynamic Content Block
Northern Trail Outfitters wants to send first-time customers a welcome email with a couponimmediately after they sign up for a newsletter.What should an associate use to accomplish this task?
A. Email Studio
B. Automation Studio
C. Web Studio
What is used to identify unique member records?
A. Foreign Key
B. Primary Key
C. Subscriber Key
Cloud Kicks (CK) wants to send a monthly digital rewards statement to its programmembers with their points balance and spending activity. CK wants to avoid customersunsubscribingfrom these messages so they remain aware of their benefits. CK is alsoconcerned about staying compliant.Which send configuration setting should be leveraged?
A. Transactional Send Classification
B. General Send Classification
C. Commercial Send Classification
Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) sends promotional emails with varying sender names andaddresses based on the nearest store location to each subscriber. This feature hasbeenscripted by NTO's Marketing Cloud Engagement developer. Each time a marketingassociate sends out an email, they need to ensure this feature is activated.Which setting in the email send flow controls this?
A. Sender Profile
B. From Address Management
C. Delivery Profile
The marketing team at Northern Trail Outfitters wants to send birthday discount coupons toits recipients and to accommodate family members who want to opt in together with asingle email address.Which attribute should an associate use to uniquely identify each family member?
A. Full Name
B. Subscriber Key
C. Primary Key
How should users in a business unit make items accessible to users in other business unitsin Marketing Cloud Engagement?
A. By individually assigning access permissions to users
B. By storing items they want to share in a shared folder
C. By establishing a dedicated business unit for shared Items
Cloud Kicks is participating in an event partnering with athletic leagues and other sportsretailers. The marketing team would like to collect consent to email attendees after theevent.What is the best practice to collect consent?
A. Obtain handwritten submissions at the booth.
B. Provide a digital form or QR code at the booth.
C. Email everyone from the attendance list.
The marketing team at Cloud Kicks notices that several hard bounces have occurred intheir last email send.What is causing the email to hard bounce?
A. The recipient's mailbox is temporarily unavailable.
B. The subscriber's mailbox is full.
C. The email address is invalid.
The marketing team at Northern Trail Outfitters is launching a reengagement program in aneffort to regain some of its lapsed subscribers. They target a part of their lapsed subscribersuppression list and, after the first attempt, the bounce rate is higher than normal.What is causing the deliverability issue?
A. Customers had previously unsubscribed from All Subscribers.
B. Email addresses have been flagged by List Detective.
C. Email addresses no longer exist with the service provider.
Cloud Kicks (CK) is sending an email to announce a new shoe to its whole customer base.CK informed its gold tier members last week and wants to avoid re-sending the email tothat audience.How should the marketing associate accomplish this?
A. Use the customer base data extension as the target and the gold tier data extension asexcluded.
B. Create a random data extension and suppress gold tier members from the customerbase data extension.
C. Use a data extension that includes only tiered members that opened the previous email.
The marketing team at Northern Trail Outfitters is exploring helpful features fromSalesforce and third parties to assist with their marketing operations.Which site serves as a marketplace with ready-to-install applications to extend Salesforceproducts and functionality?
A. Salesforce AppExchange
B. Salesforce Store
C. Salesforce Idea Exchange
Northern Trail Outfitters has been running an email marketing campaign for 6 months. Thehead of sales wants to know how many new sales leads this email campaign is generating.Which marketing metric should the associate present to the head of sales?
A. Clicks
B. Conversions
C. Impressions
Cloud Kicks uses Marketing Cloud Engagement to launch targeted email marketingcampaigns to potential and existing customers.What does the marketing campaign need to include in the email sends to meet CAN-SPAMrequirements?
A. Transactional Send Classification
B. URL link to privacy standards
C. Physical mailing address
Which consideration should an associate keep in mind regarding the Marketing CloudEngagement All Contacts and All Subscribers lists?
A. All Contacts are included on All Subscribers once messaged via email.
B. All Contacts and All Subscribers are included on one list and cannot be separated.
C. All Contacts and All Subscribers are two separate lists with no overlap.
The marketing team at Northern Trail Outfitters is exploring how they can make theirpromotional emails more engaging. Part of this is applying more Personalization Stringsand Dynamic Content Blocks.How should an associate test if these emails are rendering properly before sending themout?
A. Einstein Content Testing
B. Subscriber Preview
C. Journey Builder System Optimization
The marketing team at Cloud Kicks has identified an audience for their upcoming journeythat will refresh daily using a data filter in Automation Studio.Which entry source should an associate use for the journey?
A. Audience
B. Salesforce Data Entry Event
C. Data Extension
A marketing associate has a list of contacts that needs to be imported into a data extensionfrom a text file.Which type of data extension should the associate use to complete this task?
A. Standard data extension
B. Random data extension
C. Filtered data extension
Cloud Kicks is sending an email and wants to avoid any auto-responses filling up thecustomer service inbox so that support staff can respond to customer inquiries.Which feature is configured in an account to meet these requirements?
A. Delivery Profiles
B. Reply Mail Management
C. From Address Management
A marketing associate at Cloud Kicks has created a promotional email and wants to send itto internal marketing, compliance, and sales teams. The teams currently consist of 15individuals each.How should the associate send a preview of the promotional email to the internal teams?
A. Send a proof based on a Subscriber Preview.
B. Send to a test data extension in the test send.
C. Enter the email addresses under Recipient in the test send.
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Praise be to Salesforce! I am overjoyed to announce my success in the Marketing Cloud Associate exam. This accomplishment has solidified my expertise in Salesforce Certified Marketing Associate Exam and opened doors to new professional horizons.
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I want to express my sincere gratitude to salesforceprep for their outstanding support throughout my preparation for the Salesforce-Marketing-Associate exam. The Salesforce Certified Marketing Associate Exam study materials provided by salesforceprep were of the highest quality, offering comprehensive coverage of all exam topics. The Salesforce Certified Marketing Associate Exam practice tests and sample questions from salesforceprep were invaluable in helping me assess my progress and identify areas for improvement. I confidently recommend salesforceprep to anyone seeking to excel in the Marketing Cloud Associate certification. Their commitment to excellence is unparalleled.
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Alabado sea Salesforce! Estoy emocionada de anunciar mi éxito en el examen Salesforce Certified Marketing Associate Exam. Esta certificación me ha abierto puertas hacia nuevas oportunidades profesionales y estoy lista para brillar en mi nueva etapa.
These dumps were absolutely essential in my exam preparation and contributed significantly to my success. I am grateful for their comprehensive content and reliable information.