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At Salesforceprep.com, we understand that taking Financial-Services-Cloud practice tests is one of the most effective ways to prepare for certification exams, including Salesforce Financial Services Cloud (FSC) Accredited Professional (AP) Exam (SU24). That's why we offer a comprehensive range of Financial-Services-Cloud Dumps PDF for various certification exams. Our Financial-Services-Cloud Braindumps are designed to simulate the exam and provide a realistic assessment of your knowledge. With our practice tests, you can identify your strengths and weaknesses, track your progress, and improve your overall performance in Accredited Professional Certification.
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Lake Tahoe Bank would like to reslricl their Financial Services Cloud users from viewingcertain types of milestones that might be irrelevant to their customers or might causenegative sentiment. How can the Salesforce Admin implement such a requirement?
A. The Salesforce Admin can manage sensitive Life Evenls using sharing rules.
B. The Salesforce Admin can hide the life Event or Business Milestone type, by removing itfrom the Event Type picklist.
C. The Salesforce Admin can hide sensitive Life Events on Ihe Life Events component onthe Lightning Page using the Properties pane.
D. TheSalesforce Admin can manage sensitive Life Events using Permission Sets.
Lake Tahoe Bank, an existing Salesforce customer, is planning to implement FinancialServices Cloud. Their Salesforce Admin is considering whether to use a new Salesforceorg or upgrade the existing org. Which three of the considerations below indicate that anew Salesforce org is the better choice9
A. The bank wants to use this project as an opportunity toretire customization
B. The current implementation is using a product-centric view and the bank wants to moveto a customer-centric view.
C. Data migration is a big concern The current org has a large amount of data and theBank wants to minimize data migration efforts.
D. The bank has limited redesign opportunities for business capabilities.
E. Existing business capabilities and processes can be redesigned to deliver a higherbusiness impact
During a Financial Services Cloud implementation at an insurance company, a consultantneeds to design a broker data model for the broker web portal. The given requirements are:1. Brokers are treated individually, even if they are associated with the same company.2. Brokers should never have access to other brokers' data.3. Brokers can nominate their assistants to access the broker portal.4. An assistant can sometimes work for multiple brokers.Which two considerations should the consultant consider regarding the data model?
A. The Broker Assistant should be modeled as a Contact. Then, leverage Contact toMultiple Account features if this assistant needs to work for multiple brokers.
B. Brokers should be modeled as Contact and the Broker company should be modeled asAccount, even if they're a legal entity '-' individually.
C. Brokers need to be modeled as Account and Contact individually, as each broker is alegal entity in Salesforce. Then, use a Group 1-1 Account to model their company.
D. The Broker Assistant should be modeled as a Contact. Then, use Contact to Contactassociation if they need work for multiple D Brokers.
A retail bank is using Financial Services Cloud to support its operations.The bank hasreceived complaints that its clients' documentation is often submitted late and when clientscall, customer service agents are struggling with multiple systems to determine where thedocumentation is.Which solution should a consultant suggestthe client explore?
A. A Marketing Cloud integration to manage client communications
B. An APEX solution to leverage the SendMail capabilities of Salesforce
C. Process Builder to create automatl&Socument requests for missing items
D. The Send Documents flow for Retail Banking
Which three referral metrics aretracked with custom components included in FinancialServices Cloud?
A. Web to Lead Referrals
B. Expressed interests
C. My Top Referrers
D. My Approved Referrals
E. Referrals Assigned to me
A consulting firm is asked to add Events and Milestones to a Lightning record page to givefinancial advisors deeper insights into their customers' lives.What should the consultant configure to enable advisors to capture Once-in-a-Lifetimeevents and, at the same time, prevent users from accidentally creating more thanone event of such an event type?
A. Once-in-a-Lifetime event types
B. Special event types
C. Single event types
D. Unique event types
How can the Salesforce Admin change the configuration to summarize Financial Goals atthe household level?
A. Add a custom Rollup By Lookup (RBL) rule.
B. Financial Goalscan not be summarized at the household level.
C. Create a formula field and add it to the Account page layout
D. Update the selection in "Activities & Objects to Roll Up' to indude Financial Goals
The system administrator team at a retail consumer bank just received data migrationinstructions and guidance on Data Loader from their Salesforce architect to upgrade theexisting Service Cloud org to a Financial Services Cloud (FSC) org.In what order should the Salesforce objects be uploaded during an FSC data migration?
A.1. Accounts and contacts2. Financialaccounts3. Account groups and households
B.1. Financial accounts2. Accounts and contacts3, Account groups
C.1. Accounts and contacts2. Households3. Financial accounts
D.1. Households2. Financial accounts3. Person accounts
Our Personal Banker Hank Burton wants to encourage his customers to providerequireddocuments for a loan application. He creates Document Checklist Items that helphis customers to manage file uploads to speed up loan approval. For which of the followingrecords does Salesforce support Document Checklist Items out of the box? (ChooseThree)
A. Contact
B. Lead
C. Account
D. Residential Loan Application
E. Opportunity
A consultant is working with a new customer and has gained a firm understanding of theirbusiness processes and systems in preparation for implementing Salesforce FinancialServices Cloud.What should the consultant create as a deliverable for the current state business process?
A. Word document telling the story of the process from the user's perspective
B. An Excel spreadsheetwith steps of the process as rows, and systems and personas incolumns
C. An end-to-end visualjmap of the process using personas, systems, inputs, andoutcomes
D. A Powerpoint deck wftJscreenshots of the current systems and callouts to what ishappening oneach slide
How are identification documents, other assets, liabilities, goals, and revenue modeled, inan existing Financial Services Cloud org using the individual account model?
A. An administrator is logged in to DataLoader with their own credentials to insert newBusiness Account records into their Salesforce environment. They forget to specify theAccount Owner field in the import file.
B. Assuming there are no other issues, what should happen when the administratoruploadsthe import file?The Attachment object is used to represent other assets, liabilities, and goals. In theindividual model, these attachments are related to the Account object.
C. Custom obiects are used to represent other assets, liabilities, and goals. In the individualmodel, these objects are related to the Account oJ Nj.
D. Document, Note, and Attachment objects are used to represent other assets, liabilities,and goals. In the individual model, these objects are related to the person account.
A consultant is configuring a demo for a customer but cannot create new residential loanapplication records. What is prohibiting the consultant from creating a new residential loan application?
A. The Residential Loan Application flow was not enabled in the setup.
B. The administrator did not enable "Allow Mortgage Access" inSetup.
C. The user does not have "Mortgage User" checked in their user record.
D. The administrator did not assign the Mortgage permission set to the user.
An insurance company wants to create a car insurance quote process for its website. Theprocess should include the following functionality:• The user has to enter contact and address information.• The user has to enter the driver's age and the car model and year.• Theprocess should calculate an insurance quote based on the data the customerprovided and save the offer to the client's record.Which three OmniStudio tools should the consultant use to design a solution that meetsthese requirements?
A. OmniScripts
B. Integration Procedures
C. FlexCards
D. APEX Code
E. Business Rules Engine
The Actionable Relationship Center (ARC) is using the Association Type picklist to controlthe account-account relationships. Which three of the following names are AssociationType picklist field values?
A. Member
B. Group
C. Trust
D. Family
E. Peer
Which two statements are true for aGroup in Financial Services Cloud?
A. Financial Services Cloud includes a group record type for households
B. A group is a type of account record that people and businesses can be related tothrough the Financial Account relationship object
C. A group is atype of account record that people and businesses can be related to throughthe account contact relationship object.
D. Financial Services Cloud includes a group record type for businesses
Our Personal Banker Hank Burton is learning to use Action Plans to ensure compliance inthe clientonboarding process. Where can Hank see Action Plan Tasks? (2 options)
A. Hank will be able to see the Action Plan tasks on the related list of the Account pagelayout.
B. Hank will be able to see the Action Plan Tasks assigned to him on the standardSalesforce task list.
C. Once the Action Plan is assigned, Hank can see the related Tasks on the Timeline.
D. Hank will be able to see the Action Plan Tasks assigned to him on his calendar.
Cumulus Insurance's business processes are quite complex, and steps in the process mayvary dependingon the information captured.Which three actions regarding functionality and features should a consultant suggestexploring to help guide Cumulus Insurance users through these processes?
A. Build custom Lightning pages that correspond to each stage of thebusiness process.
B. Configure Dynamic Actions for Lightning pages.
C. Enable In-App Guidance to provide walk-throughs.
D. Use flows to remove the neea for complex Lightning pages.
E. Configure Dynamic Lightning pages.
Which 3 out of the box capabilities come with Financial Services Cloud Lead & ReferralManagement?
A. Referral Conversion
B. Assigning a Referral
C. Round Robin Referral Routing
D. Accepting a Referral
E. Referral Automated Approvals
An insurance company needs to ensure the record rollups aggregate information fromrelated records for several objects in the Financial Services Cloud at a client or group level.What should the administrator configure to meet the requirement?
A. Toshow all Primary Group member cases on a related list at the group level, theadministrator should add Cases as a picklist value to the Rollup__c field on AccountContact Relationship.
B. Client-level records are aggregated by setting up client-level rollups to all primary groupmembers.
C. When the administrator enables record rollups at the group level, all correspondingrecords are stamped with the Primary Group in the Rallup_c lookup field
D. To show all Primary Group member opportunities on a related list at the group level, theadministrator should add Opportunities as a picklist value to the Household__c field onAccount Contact Relationship.
Which 3 options does the Financial Services Cloud application offer to view and updateAccount-Account. Account-Contact, and Contact-Contact Relationships?
A. Actionable Relationship Center
B. Family Members Component
C. Relationship Map
D. Group Members Component
E. Life Events Component
To access Financial Services Cloud Lightning Components "My Domain" must be enabled.How does the System Admin accomplish this?
A. Register a subdomam using the My Domain wizard and then deploy it
B. Open a case with SalesforceSupport
C. Enable Communities
D. Go to Custom Settings and edit the Industries Settings
The Salesforce Admin at Lake Tahoe Bank considering implementing Financial ServicesCloud. What is the bestway for the Admin to access a Financial Services pre-configuredorg, including data and the right licenses, to learn about the product?
A. Request a 30-day Financial Services Cloud trial org
B. Request a Salesforce developer org.
C. Purchase one license of Financial Services Cloud and install it in a production org.
D. Spin up a Salesforce sandbox org.
Which three objects should a Financial Services Cloud administrator use when planning touse the Mortgage Data Model to integrate with external Loan Origination and CustomerOnboarding applications to accurately track the pipeline?
A. Assets & Liabilities
B. Opportunity
C. Case
D. Account
E. Financial Account
A Salesforce Admin is configuring a new Action Plan Template. One task in that templateneeds to be picked up by the next available Advisor. What assignment logic should theAdmin use when configuring this template task?
A. Action Plan Creator
B. Specific User
C. Account Team
D. Role
E. Queues
An investment bank is implementing Financial Services Cloud (FSC) to manage the dealpipeline. Each opportunity has confidential information that the deal teammembers mustonly view. In addition, each member needs the ability to take and share notes directlywithin Salesforce with others on the team.Which three FSC features should be part of the solution design?
A. Financial Deal Management
B. Sharing Rules
C. Complianthata Sharing
D. Profiles
E. Interaction Summaries
When importing records from a system outside of Salesforce, which ID should be used toprevent the data import from creating duplicates?
A. User ID
B. Data Load ID
C. External ID
D. Org ID
Personal Banker Hank Burton is questioning his Referral Score shown in Salesforce Financial Services Cloud. When is the Referral Score updated?
A. The Referral Score updated when a referral is convened to an Opportunity or closed.
B. The Referral Score updated when a lead is created using the referral record type.
C. The Referral Score updated when a referral is assigned from the queue to a user.
D. The Referral Score updated when an opportunity associated with the Referral is ClosedWon
A Bank of the Future customer calls the bank to update the address on their account. Thecall center agent handling the call needs to enter a new address into the system. The agententers the new contact information using an OmniScript and then needs to generate aprefilled PDF with the new address that can be shared with the customer.Which two OmniStudio tools should a consultant recommend to generate the prefilledPDF?
A. OmniStudio Action Document Generation
B. Calculation Procedure
C. DataRaptor
D. Integration Procedure
Which three related lists are visible within Actionable Relationship Center associated withthe Account object?
A. Cases
B. Notes and Attachments
C. Client Financial Goals
D. Financial Holdings
E. Household Financial Accounts
A bank recently sold its wealth management division and wants to improve its customers’digital experience. The bank engaged Salesforce Professional Services to upgrade itsexisting Salesforce CRM to Financial Services Cloud and deliver its Bank of the Future vision.Which three expected outcomes can serve as return on investment (ROI) justifications tothe bank's chief financial officer (CFO)and investment committee?
A. Unify and improve team collaboration by sharing and managing customer leads andreferrals across multiple lines of business at the bank to drive customers' financial needsand deepen client relationships.
B. Deliver connected and personalized digital experiences to the bank's customers thanksto a 360-degree view of its customer data consolidating multiple customer databases andsources from diverse channels at the bank.
C. Simplify the client onboarding process with proper tools to streamline customerdiscovery and internal reviews through renewal.
D. Manage policy holder’s interactions with customer service agents intelligently throughthe underwriting process.
E. Modernize client-advisor experiences from engagement to relationship management toeffectively drive long-term, trusted relationships.
An investment bank client wants all its users to track client engagements with InteractionSummaries. In addition, those call logs need to be shared with specialists in other lines ofbusiness so they can assist in specific types of deals.Which three Financial Services Cloud standard objects should be used to helpaccommodate these business requirements?
A. Interaction Summary Participant
B. Financial Deal Participant
C. Participant Role
D. Interaction Participant
E. Opportunity Participant
To access all Financial Services Cloud (FSC) functionalitiesavailable out of the box, aconsultant must install the FSC Managed Package and the Unmanaged ExtensionPackages.Which two functionalities are included in the FSC Unmanaged Extension Packages?
A. Custom objects to track Financial Accounts and Household
B. The Commercial Banking dashboard
C. Field sets that configure how fields display in the client and household profiles
D. Predefined list views of clients and households
Which three types of Account-Account relationships are displayed in the ActionableRelationship Center?
A. Accounts & Businesses
B. Accounts & Members
C. Accounts & Peers
D. Accounts & Groups
The Salesforce Admin at Lake Tahoe Bank is implementing Financial Services Cloud andwants to roll up customerdata at the client and group levels. What functionality can RollupBy Lookup (RBL) provide for this requirement?
A. RBL calculations can not be disabled when importing data into your Salesforce org.
B. An RBL rule displays summary calculations of financialaccount information, such asaccount balances.
C. When you edit a financial account record or primary Group membership, the Rollup ByLookup (RBL) configuration updates the corresponding RBL summaries at the client andGroup levels.
D. Rollups for multiple joint owners are not supported
E. Rollup By Lookup (RBL) displays associated records for Financial Accounts. FinancialGoals, and Opportunities.
During the delivery stage of a Financial Services Cloud (FSC) implementation, a consultantneeds to think about how to utilize FSC-related objects. Which three things should theconsultantconsider when adopting such objects?
A. In a household, each household member is modeled as a Contact, and the household ismodeled as an Account.
B. In a household, each of the household members is modeled as a Person Account andthe household is modeledas an Account.
C. Role Hierarchy-based sharing can be disabled for the Financial Deal object but can't bedisabled for the Opportunity object.
D. Both the Financial Deal object and the Opportunity object support Compliant DataSharing.
E. Interaction Summary is an enhancement of the standard Activity object. FSCimplementations should use Interaction Summary as a replacement for the Activity object.
Which three of the following statements are correct about the Actionable RelationshipCenter Manager (ARC)?
A. To enable users to see the ARC, you will need to add thecomponent for ARC to thepage layout.
B. ARC displays up to 5 related lists that have a configured compact layout.
C. ARC is certified to work with Person Accounts and Individual Accounts.
D. The Salesforce Admin has to create a permission set for granting access to the ARC –FSC Lightning component.
E. The Association Type picklist controls the account-account relationship that display inthe ARC.
Lake Tahoe Bank branch manager Sue Barry wants to encourage all Personal Bankers touse Action Plans to capture repeatable tasks and automate the task sequences, improvingcollaboration and productivity. Which three of the following statements about Action Plansare true?
A. When you work with Action Plans, you first create Action Plan Templates
B. Action Plans require a monthly license fee per user
C. Action Plans can be used to schedule appointments with the Bankers
D. Action Plans make it easy to create reports and dashboards, so you can monitorprogress and ensure compliance
E. Action Plans can be used to automatically assign task owners and deadlines for specificclient engagements
Lake Tahoe Bank is implementing Financial Services Cloud. The bank's new businessprocesses require that Financial Advisors can add individuals to more than one Group orHousehold using Multiple Relationship Groups. Where do Admins enable MultipleRelationship Groups?
A. Object Settings
B. Custom Settings
C. Lightning Page Editor
D. Profiles
Cumulus Insurance has created a Delegated Administrator groupfor its franchise users toreduce the workload on head office support staff.Which three functions should be added to the Delegated Administrator group?
A. Unlock users.
B. Modify permission sets.
C. Set organization-wide sharing defaults on custom objects.
D. Assign or remove permission sets for users in their delegated groups.
E. Create and manage membership of specified public groups.
A financial services company would like its users to be able to relate two businessaccounts. Whatshouldthe administrator configure to meet the requirement?
A. Create a new Contact Reciprocal Role for the required value.
B. Update the Role picklist on the Account-Account Relationship object with new value.
C. Create a new Account Reciprocal Role for the required value.
D. Update the Role picklist on the Account-(?ontact Relationship object with new value.
Which Salesforce Financial Services Cloud featureenables financial advisors to track andmanage client accounts?
A. Financial accounts management
B. Performance reporting
C. Client onboarding
D. Opportunity management
The Salesforce Admin of Lake Tahoe Bank wants to implement Financial Services Cloudusing the individual object model. What are the steps to disable person accounts? (ChooseThree)
A. Log a case with Salesforce to perform the conversion from Person Accounts to theindividual model.
B. Assign the Person Account record type to the user profiles.
C. Disable the Person Account custom setting.
D. Remove Person Accountrecord types from the Individual Record Type Mapper.
E. Assign the Individual record type to the user profiles.
Cumulus Bank is migrating its CRM software from a legacy application to SalesforceFinancial Services Cloud (FSC). The bank hired Salesforce Professional Services toconfigure/deploy the new Salesforce FSC org and migrate data.Which order should a consultant follow when performing the data migrations?
A. Individuals, then Financial Account Roles, then Financial Accounts, then FinancialAccount Transactions
B. Individuals, then Financial Accounts, then Financial Account Roles, then FinancialAccount Transactions
C. Financial Accounts, then Financial Account Roles, then Individuals, then FinancialAccount Transactions
D. Financial Accounts, then Financial Account Transactions, thenVinancial Account Roles,then Individuals
Cumulus Cloud Bank is asking the consultant to explain some tools available tointegrateSalesforce into several of its back-end/core systems.Which three capabilities should a consultant recommend?
A. Industry Integration Solutions with the MuleSoft Anypoint Platform
B. Data Processing Engine
C. OmniStudio Integration Procedures
D. Data Consumption Framework
E. OmniStudio DataRaptors
I earned an impressive score of 90% thanks to salesforceprep for their exceptional study resources and support. The Financial-Services-Cloud exam preparation material provided by salesforceprep was of top-notch quality and helped me gain a comprehensive understanding of the exam topics. The well-designed practice tests allowed me to assess my progress and identify areas for improvement. I highly recommend salesforceprep for anyone seeking success in the Financial-Services-Cloud certification.
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I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to salesforceprep for helping me clear the challenging Financial-Services-Cloud exam. After failing the exam previously, I purchased their Financial-Services-Cloud practice tests, which enabled me to identify and improve upon my weaknesses. Today, I passed the exam with a great score, thanks to the valuable guidance provided by salesforceprep. I highly appreciate their support!
I would like to express my gratitude to salesforceprep for their exceptional support in my journey to pass the Financial-Services-Cloud exam. Their study materials were incredibly helpful, providing clear explanations and examples that helped me grasp complex concepts. The Salesforce Financial Services Cloud (FSC) Accredited Professional (AP) Exam (SU24) practice tests offered by salesforceprep were particularly beneficial, allowing me to assess my knowledge and identify areas that required further review. I highly recommend salesforceprep to anyone preparing for the Salesforce Financial Services Cloud (FSC) Accredited Professional (AP) Exam (SU24) certification. Their commitment to excellence is evident in their well-crafted resources.
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