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Are you searching for a reliable and effective way to prepare for your Marketing-Cloud-Personalization certification exam? Look no further than our Marketing-Cloud-Personalization Dumps PDF. Designed with your success in mind, our test covers all the essential topics and provides detailed explanations to help you understand even the most complex concepts. With our Marketing-Cloud-Personalization Braindumps, you can feel confident and prepared on exam day, knowing that you have the knowledge and skills needed to succeed. Don't waste another moment feeling uncertain or unprepared, try our Marketing-Cloud-Personalization Practice Test today and take control of your certification journey.
At Salesforceprep.com, we understand that taking Marketing-Cloud-Personalization practice tests is one of the most effective ways to prepare for certification exams, including Marketing Cloud Personalization Accredited Professional Exam (WI25). That's why we offer a comprehensive range of Marketing-Cloud-Personalization Dumps PDF for various certification exams. Our Marketing-Cloud-Personalization Braindumps are designed to simulate the exam and provide a realistic assessment of your knowledge. With our practice tests, you can identify your strengths and weaknesses, track your progress, and improve your overall performance in Accredited Professional Certification.
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A business user created a segment to track everyone that has looked at the homepage today. How long does it take for a web visitor to join the segment after viewing the homepage?
A. Real-time
B. 15 minutes
C. 1 hour
D. 30 minutes
A brand wants to view campaign performance of specific groups of users. How would they view this within the platform?
A. Use a segment to setup a filter, then use the filter in campaign statistics
B. Use a segment to set a global goal
C. Use a segment to specify certain actions, which can be set as the goal for a campaign
D. Use engagement compare functionality to see the differences in key metrics and behaviours
What are IS machine learning powered algorithms called?
A. Machine Learning Tools
B. Einstein Recipe
C. Einstein Decisions
D. Data Science Workbends
Where can a developer access pre-built Global Templates?
A. View List Template option in the Launcher
B. From the Templates list when building a campaign
C. From code examples in developer docs
D. Templates menu under the web Campaign menu in the UI
What are three areas a business user can apply custom catalog dimensions?
A. Template filtering
B. Segmentation
C. Reporting
D. Recipe exclusions and boosting
E. Campaign targeting
The sitemap provides the functionality that enables IS to identify which three items?
A. Page types
B. content zones
C. attributes
D. campaign
E. Templates
What are two ways to populate the interaction studio catalog? [check]
A. ETL Feed
B. Third-party integration
C. Web sdk
D. Email pixel
Which development language is used to code the sitemap?
A. Python
B. Javascript
C. jQuery
D. Ampscript
When should you define goals and filters?
A. After launching a campaign that you want to measure against a goal or filter
B. Over time, when you have something new you want to meausure
C. When you are reviewing campaign statistics for a published campaign
D. Before launching a campaign that you want to measure against a goal or filter
Which user attribute data types are supported in the identity system?
A. String and integer
B. Multistring
C. String
D. String and Multistring
What ingredient could a marketer use as a backup in the event that the recipe serves too few or no items?
A. Co-Buy
B. Co-Browse
C. Trending
D. SmartBundle
How often does interaction studio poll the sftp for new files for ingestion?
A. Immediately
B. Hourly
C. Daily
D. Every 15 minutes
What qualifies a web vistor to see any experience of a Web Campaign?
A. Einstein Recipe Ingredients
B. Campaign Targeting Rules
C. Email Campaign Rules
D. Einstein Next Best Action
What two fields can a web developer specify for defining a Content Zone? Choose 2 answers
A. The CSS selector of the DOM element.
B. The associated page type
C. The dimensions of the Content Zone.
D. The name of the Content Zone.
How many times can a visitor accomplish a goal in interaction studio?
A. It varies depending on the setup of the goal segment
B. Each time a visitor leaves and rejoins the goal segment
C. Only once for all time
D. No more than twice or the goal completion will no longer be counted
What can you learn from segment compare on the segment detail tab?
A. To understand view time purchases attributes revenue by category
B. To compare users, engagement activity and other actions across segments displayed
C. To view individual users that are part of the segment
D. To understand what campaign use the segment for targeting
Which two components does a user need to configure in Marketing Cloud Personalization to display Einstein product recommendations via the Marketing Cloud Personalization Connector for Sales and Service Cloud?
A. Catalog Items
B. Promotions
C. Einstein Recipes
D. Einstein Decisions
What three things does a developer code in web template?
A. Campaign qualification rules
B. HTML and CSS for controlling appearance
C. Client side instructions for rendering
D. Set the control group percentage
E. Defining what can be configured in a campaign
If you want to compare the completion of two objectives based on a filter, what report would you use?
A. Visitor behaviour report
B. Referring sources report
C. Goal completion report
D. Goal comparison report
A brand wants to do an ad-hoc export of new user-defined attributes, what option would they choose?
A. Theoption to exclude anonymous fields on a segment export
B. The option to include all custom fields on a segment export
C. The option to include built-in fields on a segment export
D. The option to send segment data to Marketing Cloud
Which global template do you select and customize to provide product recommendations on the homepage?
A. InfoBar with CTA
B. Einstein Product Recommendations
C. Einstein Content Recommendations
D. Banner with CTA
What would a marketer include in a recipe if they want the visitor affinity score when showing recommendations?
A. Exclusion
B. Ingredients
C. Booster
D. Variation
In which two locations in the pageType definition can a developer pass in attributes
A. Listeners
B. cashdom
C. Ismatch
D. onActionEvent
What are the components of an Marketing Cloud Personalization web campaign?
A. Email capture, homepage, and product requisite
B. Affinity, infobar, and attribution window
C. Configured recipe, visitor profile, and content window
D. Experience, template, and content zone
How does IS define web template?
A. A repeatable framework used to create a web campaign
B. A google Chrome Extension
C. The events and behavior of what will be captured on the websites
D. An area on your site that a developer has configured.
Which two components does a user need to configure in IS to display Einstein product recommendation vis IS connection for sales and service cloud?
A. Einstein recipes
B. Catalog items
C. Promotion
D. Einstein Decision
Which data feed integrates purchase data into a profile in interaction studio?
A. Interaction feed
B. Conversion feed
C. Transaction feed
D. Catalog feed
Which data feed integrates external system data into a user's profile leveraging identity attributes?
A. Interaction Feed
B. Catalog Feed
C. User Feed
D. Identity Feed
What are the two main functions of the Event API? (select 2)
A. Capture user attributes and actions
B. Process GDPR data or deletion requests
C. Return campaign responses
D. Bulk load external campaign data
What two features of Marketing cloud Personalization can be used in an open-time email Campaign?
A. Recipe
B. Attribute
C. Survey
D. Promotion
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Thank Salesforceprep! The journey to passing the Marketing-Cloud-Personalization exam was filled with dedication and hard work. I am grateful for this certification, which has propelled my career and positioned me for success.
I would like to share my experience using the premium Marketing Cloud Personalization Accredited Professional Exam (WI25) dumps for the Accredited Professional Certification exam provided by salesforceprep. I can confidently confirm that the Marketing Cloud Personalization Accredited Professional Exam (WI25) braindumps are 100% valid and reliable. During my exam, I encountered only two new questions, but thanks to my thorough understanding of the material, answering them was not a problem.
I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to salesforceprep for helping me clear the challenging Marketing-Cloud-Personalization exam. After failing the exam previously, I purchased their Marketing-Cloud-Personalization practice tests, which enabled me to identify and improve upon my weaknesses. Today, I passed the exam with a great score, thanks to the valuable guidance provided by salesforceprep. I highly appreciate their support!
Thanks to salesforceprep, I passed the Marketing Cloud Personalization Accredited Professional Exam (WI25) exam with ease. Their Marketing-Cloud-Personalization study materials are comprehensive and effective. Grateful for their support!
These Marketing Cloud Personalization Accredited Professional Exam (WI25) dumps proved to be an invaluable resource in my exam journey. The accurate and up-to-date information helped me navigate the exam confidently and achieve the desired outcome.